Friday 23 March 2012


Wondering the start..
I am sure I was hesitant to write so long, probably because, this is the real time when I had to.
Existence of the soul to time always surprised me. I, deep within my heart always believed in it, thus it helped me enjoy my life to the fullest.
Surprisingly... No regrets! Only a different way of doing things that was taught and is being taught as I breathe.Call it fate or connection to science and nature, either way continuity from the start had its wonderful ways with me.  Complexity is the start of my life as far I remember, and it evolved to be even complex as days passed. Eventually I was made to enjoy it and live with it. As long as I am okay with it and I am able to convince the ones n my surrounding habitat to live by it, things seemed fine. And it is fine.
I would like to write an introduction to get this a real time experience of knowing me in person through words.
I'm in my real young years of life, lets say mid twenties, lived my life to the fullest possible, living on hoping to unpack the surprises ahead everyday, when my day starts.(And that could be anytime in the world except for my timezone, unsure why, discipline was never my style ;) A wake up call could be a report deadline and yeah.. I sleep latenights). Challenges are everyday meal and relishing it to add energy to move on.I work with one of world's leading Information Technology based organization, something to earn my bread only, (cant afford butter :P interesting but a low paid job in the Metro I live in). A regular college goer (Though I have hardly stepped in there for my classes except for my exams) pursuing an allied health care bachelors degree.Been in a couple of major relationships that taught me some valuable lessons and groomed me to know me more and love myself first.Now you know why complexity was the start.A nice family I come from, a sister to accompany my crazy lifestyle and very subtle and ignorant parents and irritating relatives.
One thing for sure, I believe I have a purpose in being created by God, and looking forward to fulfill it, meanwhile chill too.
I am thankful for all that I have and all that I have missed too. It makes me who I am.
People call me sweet, silly , stupid, yet a happy soul to live along.
Join me if you'd like to. Lets celebrate life to live it.